Slider Promotion (Single page) – Amnplify Website weekly campaign


Promotional and linked Slider featured on the MAJOR Amnplify website pages.



A Slider is the major promotional featured image at the top of the page – it is generally the first thing noticed when the page is opened.


The promotional and linked Slider will be featured on ONE of the MAJOR Amnplify website pages for one week of your choice: Home, Reviews, Interviews and Gig Photos.


  • Slider to be linked to a page of the Artists’ choosing
  • Slider can feature any New Music Release, Tour, Event, etc. as chosen by YOU
  • Artists to provide image content for Slider up-front to the specifications of 1160 x 441 px.


NB – GREAT SUBLIMINAL ADVERTISING – Amnplify website is updated several times daily, and visited globally, with content shared via Amnplify promotional outlets including Amnplify Social Media. The website is also constantly viewed by Publicists, Promoters, Labels and Artists Amnplify collaborates with daily
